The New Sensibility


(( Spiral Dynamics ))

“Social organization, artistic endeavor, and humane inquiry stem from roots that are religious as well as secular. This is a place to discover what is cognate in diverse claims or assumptions about the world, the human condition, and what men are called upon to be. It is a place from which to confront fragmentation and violence with a renewed vision of liberal education, of enlightenment, of peace with righteousness, even of Salvation.”

Wherever he steps foot, be it in front of the television camera for a production of “Philly LIVE” or “Global Lens,” or before thousands in Tokyo as a representative of the World Wisdom Council, Dr. Ganagdean strives always to speak and move within a deep unified field as a holographic presence in an ever-expanding Now.

“When I’m teaching, I want to be fully there in a fractal space and an open now time. For many, life often feels like a video screen, but when I practice awareness, its more like living in an internet network where everything is connected simultaneously.”

But mindfulness has its less-serious benefits, too. “When I’m raking the leaves, I try to be in a deep state of meditation. The Zen masters always say, ‘when you chop wood, chop wood.'"

When you build a brick wall, build it with purpose.
When you jump in the pool, do it with full force.

Drink. Eat. Love. Die.

((Bowl of Water))

They hold a wilting rose
Wrapped in rows and rows
Of newspaper letters.

Rows and rows
Of wilting roses
Bleed out their elders.

Stand on the foundation
Of a great nation,
A clot in the bloodstream.

Mirrors dance shooting mindfire,
Melting the prison walls,
Feeding the oaks.

Give us water,
You spirit of the nations.
Give us peace.